Submit Records
Thank you for taking part in the Big Meadow Search project, we appreciate your time and effort.
Fields marked with a * need to be completed in order for your data to be uploaded. It would be very interesting for us if you could also tell us the type of area you searched, roughly how big it was and how long it took. Your email address would be very helpful as this will allow us to contact you should we have any queries arising from your records. Your email address will not be used for any other purpose.
To find a grid reference whilst you are out searching you can use an App such as 'Grid Ref UK and Ireland'. To find grid references on a map you can use Grid Reference Finder
The Big Meadow Search specific species are listed in the coloured box area. You can scroll through the list by Common Name or Scientific Name. Those highlighted in blue are species from the National Plant Monitoring Scheme (NPMS) Lowland Grassland Indicator Species list and those highlighted in green are additional species of particular interest to us. Please tick the boxes for all of the species you found.
Underneath the list there is a free text box where you can add other species that you found. When you start typing a species name, you will see automated options to select from. If you start typing and you don't get automated options it could be because you need to enter a hyphen for example Herb-Robert and Ground-ivy. You can add as many species as you want to, in this section. If you return to the same search site later in the season and find additional species, please add them to the database.
If you have any additional information please feel free to add this in the 'Comments' box. For example, comments on whether a hay meadow has had green hay or Yellow-rattle seed added would be helpful.
Once you have completed your list, you must tick the box at the bottom to agree to your records being used, before uploading your data. You will then see a page displaying a total for the number of species you submitted with a breakdown of how many were on the Big Meadow Search species list and how many were positive and negative indicator species from the NPMS Lowland Grassland indicator species list.
If you have any queries please get in touch via